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Article title
Relevance to practice
1. Introduction
2. Literature review
2.1. Benford’s Law in auditing
2.2. Existing literature on beyond Benford
2.2.1. Further Benford’s tests (Second Digit, First-Two Digit, Last-Two Digit)
2.2.2. Audit sampling
2.2.3. Machine learning
2.2.4. Others
2.3. Gap in literature
3. Methodology
3.1. Conceptual Framework
3.2. Techniques and procedures
3.2.1. K-Mean Clustering
3.2.2. Testing for Benford’s Law
3.3 Further Digit Analyses
4. Results
5. Discussions
5.1. Result validation
5.2. Future framework for auditors
5.3. Audit program for auditors
Step 1: Audit planning
Step 2: Data preparation and initial analysis
Step 3: Benford’s Law analysis
Step 4: Data segmentation
Step 5: Multiple digit tests
Step 6: Investigation of anomalies
Step 7: Audit documentation
Step 8: Audit reporting
Step 9: Follow-up
5.4. Limitations and future research
5.4.1. Limitations
5.4.2. Future research
6. Conclusion
Appendix 1
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