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Corresponding author: Eddy Cardinaels ( e.cardinaels@uvt.nl ) Academic editor: Paula Dirks
© 2024 Eddy Cardinaels, Judith Künneke, Iuliana Sandu, Máté Széles.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits to copy and distribute the article for non-commercial purposes, provided that the article is not altered or modified and the original author and source are credited.
Cardinaels E, Künneke J, Sandu I, Széles M (2024) Empowering Accounting with Artificial Intelligence. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie 98(3): 75-78. https://doi.org/10.5117/mab.98.125065
AI is entering the accounting profession. What should accountants do to get the most out of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their daily jobs? The Tilburg Winter Symposium and Research Camp, themed “Empowering Accounting with Artificial Intelligence,” brought practitioners and researchers together in a two-day event on this important topic. While the tasks and opportunities for AI are numerous, the conference’s overarching conversation suggests that the core of the accountant’s profession is likely to evolve rather than disappear. This evolution requires accountants to redefine their roles by focusing more on how AI can assist in strategic decision-making. Furthermore, participating experts recommend that accountants set up operational and organizational structures and manage stakeholder involvement when using AI, so that the right questions can be asked to ensure that AI can assist in improving corporate decisions.
Artificial Intelligence, stakeholder engagement, strategic decision making, accountants, governance structure
In a thought-provoking presentation in 2022, AI researcher Pedro Domingos asked the audience, “How will AI change ethics?”. This question aimed to shift the traditional view of ethics influencing AI to a more balanced view where AI also affects ethics, creating a “two-way street” relationship between the two (
The event highlighted two important main ideas. First, the task of an accountant will change as the task for which AI can be used needs to be carefully selected. Second, asking the right questions with AI is as paramount now as it ever was to improve the potential of AI for decision-making.
According to researchers at OpenAI and the University of Pennsylvania (
One of the key ways AI is changing the accounting sector is by altering the nature of jobs. Klaus Möller, Professor of Controlling at the University of St. Gallen, shared recent survey results indicating AI is a top priority for finance professionals, including accountants. This prioritization reflects the growing recognition of AI’s potential to reshape the financial management landscape, suggesting transformation rather than elimination. Indeed, recent research highlights that AI leads to the creation of new jobs in the accounting sector while changing the required skill set (
AI is giving rise to a “Jagged Technological Frontier” (
The impact of AI goes beyond changing the task environment of accountants. The study “Machine Readership and Financial Reporting Decisions” by
With large language models (LLMs), the focus shifts from solely analyzing financial data to incorporating textual data, enabling a revolutionary approach of “doing mathematics with words,” as described by Rob Huisman, Quantitative Investment Expert at Robeco. This concept prompts professionals to consider specific textual data for analysis. For instance, this capability is being explored in fund management, where AI algorithms analyze CEO speech patterns to predict stock prices. To be part of the transformation, Huisman encouraged the accounting profession to consider the question: What words do you want to do mathematics with?
AI’s impact extends beyond mere number crunching. Many of our speakers gave examples of how LLMs can be co-pilots in accounting tasks, liquidity forecasts, revenue predictions, and drafting audit plans. In a broader sense, AI is bringing about what Huisman called an “AI gold rush.” Companies increasingly rely on AI for daily operational decisions, creating a dynamic environment where AI tools are shared for marketing purposes and, at the same time, guarded as proprietary intellectual property.
A rapidly improving landscape is ahead of us, signalling a future where AI is an integral and indispensable part of the accounting profession. It requires, however, careful thinking on where we can rely on machines (AI) and where professional judgement is still required.
Implementing AI in accounting requires a thoughtful approach, as highlighted by speakers at the Tilburg Winter Symposium. As explained by Merel Noorman, Assistant Professor at Tilburg Law School, a key initial step is asking questions: “Are we framing the problem correctly?” and “Should AI be used to address the problem?”. Related to the idea of when to trust AI results, Benjamin Commerford presented “Reliance On Algorithmic Estimates: The Joint Influence of Algorithm Adaptability and Measurement Uncertainty.” The study reveals that auditors increasingly rely on algorithmic advice in measurement uncertainty, particularly if algorithms are adaptable and have learning capabilities. The broader implications of this study imply that reliance on algorithmic advice is contextually dependent. It is influenced by an algorithm’s features and capabilities, and it is important to understand the features of the AI to help auditors and accountants make better use of them. This raised questions among the audience about the broader implications of this reliance on audit and regulatory practices and whether such increased reliance is desirable.
Explainability, or the question “How does this work?” is a key factor in AI use, according to Huisman. It is vital to articulate the purpose of AI usage and have robust safety measures. Noorman stressed the importance of engaging stakeholders in the conversation, including those indirectly affected by AI. She argued that involving stakeholders early in the process and in asking questions is key to gaining acceptance for AI solutions. When doing so, the focus should be on how AI can enhance the business case rather than on technical details (
Möller emphasized the pivotal role of human accountants in incorporating AI’s power. He noted that while AI can automate many tasks, critical insights and final decisions should ideally be overseen by skilled professionals, placing the human accountant at the center of AI integration. The synergy of human-machine interactions lays the groundwork for tasks like automated data preparation and initial forecasts. However, the critical phase is the accountant’s intervention for validation and adjustment. This involves scrutinizing the reasonableness of forecasts and, if necessary, altering parameters—decisions that rest with human professionals, as Möller explained. He also suggested that implementing frameworks governing AI use in accounting is highly dependent on individual firm characteristics, with management control emerging as a key area for such implementations. Moreover, organizational structures often play a critical role in how companies adapt and integrate AI. While companies may not struggle with data, adapting leadership and accountability across different business units is essential. He envisions that the challenge for many established companies is not just in adopting new technologies, like LLMs, but in effectively integrating them into their existing structures, often leading to complex management control challenges.
In that regard, Maurice Op Het Veld, Global Lead Technology & Digital Audit Partner at KPMG, shared five success criteria for AI implementation that were identified from surveys of AI implementation leaders and laggards:
These criteria provide a framework for successfully implementing and leveraging AI in accounting, ensuring its beneficial integration into the field.
AI is changing how accountants will perform their jobs. Careful thinking on how AI can be strategically used in decision-making is a key challenge. Also, accountants should think about how they can change the role of AI. If accountants simply introduce AI without asking the right questions, disregarding its users, its governance structures, and its success criteria, strategic AI adoption may be doomed to fail. The good news is that the job of an accountant will not disappear. More than ever, accountants are in the driver’s seat to decide when to use AI and set up appropriate structures for the effective use of AI.
This article synthesizes the collective conversation at a conference without attributing specific speakers. It employs Artificial Intelligence tools, including ChatGPT 4.0, for processing conference notes and assisting in the article’s writing.
Prof. Dr. E. Cardinaels – Eddy is Full professor in the department of Accounting at Tilburg School of Economics and Management, and part-time Full professor of Accounting at KU Leuven.
Dr. J. Künneke – Judith is Assistant professor in the department of Accounting at Tilburg School of Economics and Management.
Dr. I. Sandu – Iuliana is Assistant professor in the department of Accounting at Tilburg School of Economics and Management.
Dr. M. Széles – Máté is Assistant professor in the department of Accounting at Tilburg School of Economics and Management.
We thank all presenters and participants who contributed to a successful Tilburg Winter Symposium and Research Camp 2023.