Maandblad Voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie 91: 24-23, doi: 10.5117/mab.91.24049
The future of audit quality - A multi-stakeholder perspective
expand article infoOlof Bik
Open Access
Audit quality. The FAR invited multiple stakeholders to share their views during the conference on 7 and 8 June 2017. This paper provides an integrated review of the topics discussed by the stakeholders in their presentations as well as the subsequent discussions with the audience. The discussions touched upon five main topics: 1) What are the multi-stakeholders' perspectives on audit quality? 2) Is the profession on the right track of regaining public trust? 3) What is the role of external supervision and regulation in regaining public trust? 4) What should the next steps be for the auditing profession? 5) What is the role of scientific research therein?