Maandblad Voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie 90(9): 341-347, doi: 10.5117/mab.90.31357
If auditors are like Belgian beers, which style would you prefer?
expand article infoHerman van Brenk, Liesbeth Bruynseels
Open Access
Recent research by Francis, Pinnuck, and Watanabe (2014) has shown that financial reporting outcomes are influenced by the audit firm’s unique audit style. They argue that audit firm styles are driven by their “unique set of internal working rules that guide the auditor’s application of accounting and auditing standards” (Francis, Pinnuck & Watanabe, 2014). In our discussion, we zoom in on this study and call for further research on the factors that determine audit styles. Specifically, we emphasize the importance of extending this research from the audit firm level to the level of the audit office, audit team, and individual auditor. We conclude with the notion that intense collaboration between audit firms and academia is instrumental in opening the black box of audit styles to extend our knowledge on the root causes and drivers of audit quality.