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1. Introduction
2. Definition and drivers of liquidity risk
3. The history of liquidity regulation
4. The introduction of the LCR and NSFR and perceived benefits
4.1. The financial crisis led to the introduction of the LCR and the NSFR
4.2. Benefits of quantitative liquidity measures
5. Definition of the LCR
5.1. The LCR in more detail
5.2. High Quality Liquid Assets
5.3. Outflows and inflows
6. Effects of the LCR
6.1. Bank lending
6.2. Bank operations, business model and profitability
6.3. Bank risk appetite and risk taking
6.4. Interaction with capital regulation
6.5. The effects of monetary policy on the LCR
6.6. Unintended effects and operational differences after implementation of LCR
7. The NSFR, its effects and interaction with the LCR
7.1. Definition and effects of the NSFR
7.2. Discussion on interaction and possible redundancy between LCR and NSFR
8. Conclusion
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