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  • Accountantscontrole (Auditing)
  • Bestuurlijke informatieverzorging (Management information)
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  • Externe verslaggeving (External reporting)
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  • Fiscale economie (Fiscal economy)
  • Management accounting (Management accounting)
  • Ondernemingsrecht (Business law)
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Subject: Bestuurlijke informatieverzorging (Management information)
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Research Article
 Unique: 2405 | Total: 4660  | Access Period:
 Unique: 2098 | Total: 4575  | Access Period:
Research Article
 Unique: 1990 | Total: 4560  | Access Period:
Research Article
 Unique: 2843 | Total: 5201  | Access Period:
Research Article
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Introduction to special issue
 Unique: 2198 | Total: 3801  | Access Period:

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